Use the tool below to find local businesses that are open and need your support, because #WhereYouShopMatters.
The Visa Business Locator Tool below, identifies businesses that have recently processed a Visa transaction, so we believe they are open for some level of business. The tool is updated on a daily basis to reflect Visa transactions that have been processed in the last 24 hours. So next time you’re shopping, whether it’s for groceries, supplies, or an online class, think about shopping at a local business.
Business Locator Tool
How it works
Enter your city and region in the tool below. You can filter by business type, business size, and business name, then click the search button.
Please note: All the information in this tool, which lists businesses identified by Visa to have recently accepted a Visa transaction, is provided “as is” and without any warranty or representation of any kind or any assurances that such businesses are open. For the small businesses, the information has been filtered for small businesses based on official Government tables (Small Business Administration or SBA guidelines) and users should communicate directly with merchants to verify accuracy. Results returned by this table are not to be considered an exhaustive list of merchants capable of providing services to an affected area and that other merchants may be in operation and serving an affected area. This tool is for informational purposes only, and does not imply endorsement or affiliation of any merchant by Visa. Visa assumes no liability or responsibility for (i) any errors or omissions in the content, or (ii) claims that may result from reliance by a user on such information.
We are working to expand and grow the database in the coming weeks. If you’re not seeing a business in your community included in the results, please let us know. Email the business name, street address, city and state, and business website, if available, to [email protected]. Once we are able to verify the business, we’ll work to get that business added. Similarly, if a business is included and you’d like it removed from search results please email the details to the above address.
Please note: Submitting a business to the above email address does not guarantee that the business will be added to the results.

Meet the Merchants
Meet the stars of our #WhereYouShopMatters Campaign.
Duncan’s Brewing Co.
Duncan's Brewing produces some of New Zealand's finest craft beers. Whilst George is the front of house, the business is proudly family owned and run on the North Island’s Kāpiti Coast. For a micro-brewery such as Duncan's, the open house cellar door is just as important as its online store. In these challenging times the balance has tipped to a more online focus and shipping their product nationwide.
Waiheke Dive and Snorkel
Waiheke Dive & Snorkel provide all that a diving enthusiast could want in one place; gear, training and tours of fantastic places typically unknown to diving visitors. Located just a short 35min ferry from Auckland, Waiheke Dive & Snorkel has always been an active player in the community, bringing people to the island from across NZ and the world to share the natural beauty of the area.
Adrienne Whitewood
Based in Rotorua, Adrienne Whitewood is a fashion designer inspired by Maori art and culture. In every season’s collections, Adrienne seeks to create an emotional connection through indigenous Aotearoa designs. Through her online shop, Adrienne is able to continue this mission and share her beautiful fashion designs without being restricted to a physical location only.
Loxy’s Hair Boutique
Loxy's is a full-service hair salon specialising in all thing’s hair colouring, cutting and extensions. Founded in Auckland by Kate Jarrett, Loxy's has led the way in hair extensions from the business’s inception. Whilst times of social distancing have restricted Loxy's enduring trajectory, being able to sell online has enabled the business to continue to supply its passionate customers all of their hair care needs and facilitate a seamless booking system and payment gateway for all.
Commonsense Organics
Commonsense is a family owned business that sells organic, sustainable and fair-trade products. With five stores and a strong online presence, Commonsense is helping local communities and producers by enabling their products to be readily available and convenient to the people of Aotearoa, all made possible through their online business.
Surmanti sell beauty, wellness and healing products that are crafted from natural ingredients and free from nasty contaminants. Founder Maxim Titter is extremely passionate about the power of her natural beauty products. Surmanti has chosen to be an online store only - backed up by their quality products. A pledge of quality assurance that has been at the heart of their business strategy for over a decade.